Monday, December 10, 2007


Joshua loves to make spider webs with a ball of yarn. He will entangle the whole dining room and kitchen and thinks it is sooooo funny when he traps Mommy in a big tangled mess! He is hiding under the table in this picture.


Here are the kids during "math class". They are working in their math book. They figure out the problems and then jump the same amount as the answer. Hey, whatever works!


Poor Little Paul has been breaking out in hives like crazy! The doctor sent him to the allergy doctor who says he is allergic to milk. I started giving him soy milk in his sippy and now he has been throwing up and having diarrhea. I will call the Doctor tomorrow.


P.J. loves hats. Any hats. But he especially likes this one and one of Grandpa Fritzingers old hats. He is such a good baby and is getting so big! His curls are so sweet but I know that he needs a haicut but I just can't do it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Thats right, we now have a cow. He is the cutest little thing and he is about the same size as our dog. He is a month old but very small for his age. We are trying to fatten him up. His Mommy got sick and didn't have enough milk for him. The boys feed him with a bottle. It is so cute. He licks us and comes right to us. Isaiah named him Chuckles. I call him Chuck for short. We are going to get him a collar and leash so the boys can "walk" him. I'll try to post a picture later.

Thursday, July 26, 2007



This little stinker was playing outside next to Mamaw and Mommy while we were working in the flower bed. He was next to the riding lawn mower and pulled off one of the wheel caps and stuck it right in his mouth. It had grease on the inside and you can see the results.


Doesn't he look pitiful!!! He came running in the house and the hornet chased him all the way in! He was stung on the lip and right above the eye. They both swelled terrible. Thank the LORD he didn't swell any worse or have a bad allergic reaction. He did end up throwing up later but I read that that is a reaction from the toxin if you are stung multiple times.


The LORD surely blessed us with Grandpa and Nana. We will miss Grandpa and we can't wait to see him in Heaven!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


The last few weeks have been rough! Everybody has been sick! We had strep throat, the 3 big boys had impetigo, Little Paul and Joshua had earaches, I had mastitis and the to top it all off Matthew had an allergic reaction to the Penicillin the doctor gave him. Within about 30 minutes after taking it he said "Mommy I think I have poison Ivy". I went and looked at his arm and it looked bad within a few more minutes he had rashes all over him. I called the doctor and he said if he starts having any difficulty breathing to go to the E.R. by ambulance. Thank the LORD his breathing was fine. We now know that he is allergic to Penicillin and the doctor says that the first time that you have a reaction to it, it's not that bad but the second time you are exposed to it it can really be bad. So his medical charts have been changed and we will be really careful to make sure he doesn't get it again.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


The boys are trying to build a dome out of triangles made with toothpicks and marshmallows. We finally built a pretty neat (although lopsided) dome.


Little Paul helping Daddy on the computer.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Monday, January 29, 2007


we went to the Science Center this weekend. Here is a picture of Isaiah and Megans arch that they built and a picture of my brother William holding Paul.


Today we started our trip around the world beginning with the U.S.A. We will be here for two weeks before moving on to Mexico and then Canada and then we go on to South America and the rest of the world! This is a fun curriculum and I know we will learn a lot with it. Today we labeled maps (which the boys really like, believe it or not), learned about Indiana's facts and symbols, watched The Scrambled States of America DVD from the library (it was really cute, and had lots of stories on it plus our National Anthem and other songs), learned about deserts, plus read about missionaries kids in other countries and practiced their Bible verses. Isaiah is memorizing Psalm 100 and Matthew is memorizing Psalm 23. Joshua wants to be a part of it all so today he worked in a pre-school workbook and practiced his circles and writing the number 2. The baby is happy as long as his schooling includes crackers!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

PLAY-DOH (hopefully it's non-toxic)

Little Paul was being so good in his excersaucer yesterday. I happened to walk by and look down and he was happily chewing on a big ball of yellow Dough (like Play-Doh). He had yellow slime all over his face and hands and he was VERY upset that I took it away. It must have tasted pretty good considering he gags evertime you try to feed him baby food or infant cereal (If you can even get him to open his mouth because he has learned to purse his little lips together as soon as he sees the spoon). Now, don't get the idea that he is a picky eater, he justs wants what we are eating and nothing that says "Baby" on it. Oh ya, after questioning the boys Joshua was the one who was "sharing" his Play-Doh.


Little Pauls first tooth broke through yesterday. He has been chewing like crazy but he has not been fussy. (Isaiah wants proper recognition for being the first to discover the tooth!).


Kids make great photographers! William Clever (8) took this picture of Little Paul. Isn't it adorable! You can't see it very good in this picture but Paul is wearing an outfit with a one of a kind design by Big Brother Isaiah. We took a pair of plain white P.J.s and Isaiah drew artwork on them and "I Love Milk" with permanent markers. They turned out really cute. Anyways back to the kids and Photography topic, Bro. Harold gave our kids a digital camera on Sunday. They love it! They take such cute pictures too. I think it is because they are on the right level with each other and they are more natural with each other instead of freezing up when you say "Say Cheese". They are snapping away while they are playing and they get such nice pictures because nobody is trying to smile! They also take pictures of things that I would never think of. While visiting their grandparents house they just went around taking pictures of stuff in the house that was interesting to them. Some of the pictures were pretty cool! Digital cameras are great because they can take so many pictures and we can just choose the best ones to print!

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Here is Granna and Little Paul at the T-Rex Museum. Little Paul even wore his Dinosaur sleeper so he would fit right in.


Here goes Matthew sledding down a sand dune. You wouldn't beleive how fast you go!


This is where we went on my birthday. Isn't it beautiful!



We went to the T-Rex Museum in downtown Tucson. The boys had fun. They dug up dino fossils and saw lots of neat stuff.


Isn't he adorable! The day after Christmas we went to Mexico. We had fun!


We are back and although we had lots of fun it's so nice to be home again! I was looking foward to everything getting back to normal again but we have all been sick this week. Everybody is finally over it (I hope) so mabey this week will be better! I still have to finish unpacking ( last week It was almost all I could do to keep clean laundry in the house since everyone was sick). I hope to post some pics of our trip in a little while.